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Center for Admixed Populations and Health Equity (CAPE)

Population admixture has brought together genomes from continental populations that have diverged primarily because of genetic drift, but also because of different selective pressures.  Although disentangling interplay of genetic and social determinants of health in admixed populations is critical for equitable medicine, admixed individuals represent only ~4% of participants in current genomic research databases. CAPE aims to develop and deploy methods for admixture-PRS that provide equitable utility for every admixed individual irrespective of their genetic ancestry, by leveraging one of the largest dataset of admixed individuals of >230,000 individuals across EHR- and cohort-based studies to build, test and calibrate admixture-PRS. This project is led by Bogdan Pasaniuc (UCLA, contact PI), Eimear Kenny (Mt. Sinai, MPI), and Leslie Lange (U of Colorado, MPI).

Contact PI
Program Officer
  • Ken Wiley (NIH,  National Institutes of Health)